
NWOAA Classified Ads

Starting with our 2nd upcoming directory publication coming in April 2018, we will begin offering new text based classified ads for artists looking for lower cost options in our promotion service.

The Nationwide World Of American Artists Classified Ads offers a super affordable option for artist’s, and crafters to get discovered by potential new fans and buyers of their work. This option is great for artists looking to get exposure in our publication for their art business with text based ads, who may not be ready to invest in our full service directory listing option.

For the low price of just $7.50 you can run a text based ad starting in the 2nd upcoming issue of our art directory publication coming in April 2018. Even better, you can choose to extend your ad run by opting to advertise in multiple issues consecutively (up to 3 issues or take our bonus offer listed below for a full year) in one purchase. Just multiply your cost by the number of issues you want your ad to run in. Since our directory is published quarterly, you get 3 months of potential viewing per issue you advertise in by people who download and read. Also, our publication is a free download for everyone who visits our website, so that offers the potential that your ad could possibly be seen by hundreds, or thousands of people for very low cost to you.

Exact prices for 1, 2, or 3 publication advertising at current cost is provided below:

$7.50 X 1 issue = $7.50 = 3 months of potential viewing.
$7.50 X 2 issues = $15.00 = 6 months of potential viewing.
$7.50 X 3 issues = $22.50 = 9 months of potential viewing.

BONUS OPTION: Spend just $27.00 and we’ll publish your text classified ad in 4 consecutive issues, giving you a full year of potential viewing by our readers.

Your text ad can consist of a HEADER with bold text (up to 100 characters – used for your name and/or business name), BODY (up to 500 characters – ad description), and one web address (url) to your website, or web store (such as etsy, artfire, etc.).

Photos are not allowed in classified listings so you will want to write a really good ad for best results.

When you are ready to place your classified ad, please fill out the form below. We will receive and review the ad to make sure it is for a valid and safe service for our readers and that it meets the criteria for the character limits specified for each part of the ad (header and body). Once approved, we will send you an email letting you know that your ad is approved, which publications your ad will appear in, and that we are sending a PayPal invoice to the email you provide to collect your payment. Once payment is received then your ad will go into circulation, scheduled according to the number of publications you choose to run your ad in.

For your convenience, you can use online to help you with writing your header, and ad body text within the character limits allowed.

How many issues would you like to run your ad in?(required)

Optional ad features you may purchase:

We look forward to serving your classified ad needs soon, and thank you for choosing our ad service.