Art And Photo Submissions Now Being Accepted For Featuring In Our Directory Publication

Submit A Photo

We have a new OPEN SUBMISSIONS opportunity for artist’s and photographer’s who are interested in having a photo or artwork featured in our quarterly publication.

Submission Categories:

Art – (Nearly any subject of art is fine including still life, abstract, fan art, digital art, moderate/tasteful nudes, nature, landscapes, sunsets, some holiday art, etc.)

Photography – (including photos of nearly anything – landscapes, oceanic, beaches, sunsets, sunrises, house plants, still life, even moderate/tasteful nudes.)

These open submissions are welcomed from both United States artist’s, and photographer’s as well as international (this is currently the only international opportunity we offer).

Please include a short description with your name, location, and subject matter of your photography and art.

Please make sure before submitting any photo or art that you are aware that any photo you submit to us of a photographic subject, or art subject, can be published in our quarterly publication, and possibly on our website for promotion of our directory.

Your image may be viewed and enjoyed by thousands of people during it’s presentation period which could last multiple years if published on our website.

Your photo and artwork may also be published in more than one issue (for example we may do a “looking back” type of feature in a future issue where a previous submission would be published again, or could be featured in multiple back to back issues if we really enjoy the subject of the image submitted).

There is no monetary reward for these free open submissions, only the benefit and credit to you of being able to say that your photo was featured in our publication.

These submissions are being accepted with the intentions of bringing interests to the arts and to help us build a publication that can be enjoyed by hundreds, or thousands of viewers.

Photos used in our publication will include your name, location, and description of the image. We cannot include any website or social media with your submission in this part of our publication as this would conflict with our directory listings product.

Important!!! Please ensure that you only submit photos and artwork that is yours, and yours only, as we do not want to cause any issue of copyright infringements among the artisan’s community with these open door submissions. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation on that issue.

You will find the information you need below to submit your photo and art images to us for consideration to be featured in an upcoming issue of the Nationwide World Of American Artist’s Directory Publication.

Submit A Photo Or Art

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