Tweet Digest #1


Today we are starting something new on our blog to keep great content coming to you. With the power of wordpress embedding, we’re collecting our favorite tweets from twitter and posting them in blog posts on our website. Sort of like our Art Raids on Instagram, this is a way of archiving great content we’ve seen on twitter.

There are a few reasons for us wanting to doing this.

  1. This allows us to share tweets of extra content we liked directly on our website without cluttering up our personal twitterfeed since we prefer to save that for promoting artists in our directory.
  2. We don’t want to blow up our followers personal newsfeeds on twitter that they may not be following us for to see since our primary goal is promoting the artists in our directory, and by the same notion we don’t want our promotional tweets for our directory members getting clouded out by too much erroneous material being retweeted on our twitter account.
  3. As we mentioned archiving, this gives us an easy way of finding content we wanted to blog about, but didn’t have time for when a tweet was posted on twitter from someone we follow. Or we don’t have to blog about any item at all since we’ve saved a tweet for it here in one of our Tweet Digests.
  4. You may even discover some great accounts you would like to follow on twitter by checking out these Tweet Digests we create, and unlike how tweets get lost through time on twitter, the tweets we save here will stay in place unless of course was removed by the tweet’s content owner on twitter.
  5. This is another method we will use to promote the work of artists who are in our directory as we will occasionally be posting VIP editions of our Tweet Digests. If you aren’t aware, we have a VIP list on our twitter account where we follow only the artists who are listed in our directory.

If you are receiving our blog post emails and these tweets don’t appear in your email, please click the post link in your email to view on our website, otherwise you’re probably going to just see a long list of twitter url’s. These are the urls which become embedded content when viewed on our website.

Please note, our website is ad free, however since the content on this page is pulled from twitter via embedding, you may see some ads in video tweets.

There are 50 tweets in this issue, and we will post 50 tweets in each future issue of our Tweet Digest.

So without further ado, lets get on with our first roundup of our favorite tweets on twitter. We hope you see something useful.

That’s it for this edition of Tweet Digest at NWOAA. If you are an artist, photographer, or crafty creator residing in the United States, and would like to be listed in our directory for promotion, please visit our listings page for details.

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